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welcome to shearith!

Shearith Israel is an egalitarian, Conservative synagogue located in Intown Atlanta. Our congregation is devoted to spiritual and religious enrichment. We are especially passionate about Jewish education and community building!

At Shearith Israel, we are ritually traditional and courageously progressive. For more than 100 years, we have served the Atlanta area by providing an energetic environment for pursuing Jewish spirituality, learning, and friendship. Above all else, we strive to be a warm, welcoming community. Our congregation embraces its members and friends, and we would love you to join us for Shabbat or an upcoming event. Shalom! 

We are proudly supported by our community. To make a donation in honor or memory of a friend or loved one, click here.

high holidays 5785

Shanah Tova! The High Holidays are a time for personal and communal reflection. Each year, the Shofar calls us to our best selves. At Shearith Israel, our services are traditional, filled with high energy and surprises to keep our spirits uplifted. We create a joyous and celebratory mood to lift our souls higher and higher to the heavens. From that high perspective, we see ourselves with clarity, and we strive toward the best possible future as a community. Click the button below for our High Holidays webpage with links to the service scheduletickets, childcare and youth programming, Alternative Service registrationreciprocity requests, Sukkot info, and more.

High Holidays 5785 

shabbat in the park: friday, september 27th @ noble park, 5:45 pm

Join Shearith Israel as we head "off-campus" to a few local parks this summer and fall. The next Shabbat in the Park will be on Friday, September 27th at Noble Park at 5:45 pm. We'll kick off Shabbat with a few songs on guitar and prayers over wine/juice and challah, followed by a fun vegetarian-friendly meal. These casual Friday evenings are a terrific way to socialize with Shearith Israel members of all ages, so bring the kids AND the grown-ups and tell any prospective members that they are welcome to join us, too — the more, the merrier!

View Full Schedule & Register Here 

new program planning process

At Shearith Israel, everyone can be a part of the process of accomplishing our mission and vision! We aim to bring our lay partners into the process of calendar formation, with clear expectations of the resources that we will require to effectively execute our mission. Click the button below to learn more and submit your program idea(s)!

Program Planning Process - Learn More

our community in pictures


services + livestreaming

Shearith Israel is now livestreaming Shabbat morning services on our website as well as our YouTube and Facebook pages

All services are open to the community for in-person attendance. Our Daily Minyan, held morning and evening throughout the week (Sunday - Friday morning), will continue to be held on Zoom as well. For the livestream links, service schedule, and Daily Minyan Zoom link, click the button below.

Shabbat Services Livestream & Daily Minyan Zoom Links

Weekly Shabbat ALT Service

Sun, September 15 2024 12 Elul 5784