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Chavurah Interest Form 2023

Join a Chavurah at Shearith Israel

Chavurot (plural of the Hebrew word Chavurah - fellowship), provide opportunities for CSI members of all ages and demographics - new members and long-time members alike - to create personal, ongoing Jewish communities within the larger CSI congregation, thereby supplementing CSI's social, religious and cultural programming. If that resonates with you or inspires you to be part of something similar, or if you were in a Chavurah that did not flourish and you would like to be part of a new Chavurah or interest-based group, then we hope you will complete this application. 

Most of our Chavurot strive to meet 6-10 times a year. In order for each Chavurah to thrive, please apply ONLY if you are willing to make this an ongoing commitment. Give some thought when answering the handful of questions below, including geographic limits (how far you’re willing to travel in Atlanta traffic to meet regularly with your new friend group) and submit the form at your earliest convenience.

Plan to attend our bagels-and-coffee launch of our Chavurot at CSI on Sunday, NOvember 12th at 10 am. If you have questions, please contact our Chavurah Liaisons, Michele Marill ( and Susan Berlin (

Please submit by Sunday, November 5th.



Thank you for your interest in joining a Chavurah. We will be in touch!

Mon, May 20 2024 12 Iyyar 5784