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Online Payments

Welcome to the Congregation Shearith Israel payment page! Thank you for visiting and for considering a gift to our community! Because of YOUR generosity, we are steps closer to achieving our mission of connecting people to meaningful living through Judaism.

You can make a donation in one of two ways: You may either make a payment towards an open balance on your account or a separate donation.  

As a reminder, all these contributions are tax deductible! You will receive a tax statement at the beginning of next year.

There are numerous programs and initiatives (over 25 and counting!) with which we would love your support! Please select your desired fund from the drop-down menu labeled "Type.”

Thank you so much and tizku l’mitzvot (may you merit to do more good deeds)!

People With Accounts Pay or Donate Here


Visitors Pay or Donate Here


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Payment Notes

Description of Restricted and Non-restricted funds

Backpack Buddies
Supports donations of food items to neighborhood families suffering from food insecurity.
Adult Education
Supports the adult education program and the engagement of scholars and educators to teach innovative classes throughout the year.
Ahavat Chinam (Social Action)
Supports programs and mitzvah opportunities which are reflective of our community’s commitment to the ideals of social action and justice.
The Alice & Jack Pasmanick Endowment Fund for Holocaust Studies
To educate the Congregation and the community about the Holocaust, including related topics such as its continuing impact on Jewish life and anti-semitism.
Annette Zimmerman Easton Garden & Landscape Fund
To maintain the Shearith Israel courtyard garden.
Chevra Kadisha
Supports our corps of volunteers who oversee the process of preparing deceased members for burial.  
Endowment Fund
A gift to our endowment fund will continue the legacy of ensuring a strong Jewish community from generation to generation. 
Frieda’s Friends Membership Fund
Named in memory of Frieda Socol, this Fund supports membership engagement projects.
General Tzedakah Fund
Supports our Synagogue’s general operating budget.
The Gertrude and Edward Krick Chesed Fund
Donations to this fund will help finance meals and other miscellaneous needs for those in the community who are grieving, recovering from an illness or young families who have just welcomed a child.
Holiday Care Packages for College Students
Supports the purchase and postage for  sending holiday care packages to member college students.
Julius Kornblum Minyan Fund
Supports the peer-led davening group within Congregation Shearith Israel for the promotion of Torah study and programming related to strengthening minyan attendance.
Kiddush Fund
Offsets the cost of Shabbat afternoon Kiddush lunch.
Kolesky Children’s Fund
Originally funded by the Rebecca and Scott Kolesky family, this fund provides monetary support for innovative children’s programming.
L’Chaim Fund
Offsets the cost of programming for our Hazak L’Chaim group of adults aged 55+.
Machaneh Shai Fund
Supports funding for our Religious School program to offset the differential between tuition and expenses. 
Merlin Family Jewish Camp Scholarship Fund
This fund provides annual scholarships to children of members attending Jewish summer camp.
Milton & Judith Tager Music Fund 
Funds musical concerts for the Community. 
Moe D. Horowitz Fund
Established to honor the life of Moe D. Horowitz.
Prayer Book Fund
For the upkeep and purchase of prayer books and chumashim for the Synagogue. If you wish to purchase or dedicate a prayer book, please visit this link.
Pushke Fund
Donations made during Morning Minyan to fund contributions to external organizations in current need.
Rabbi Kaiman’s Discretionary Fund
Contributions made in appreciation of Rabbi Ari Kaiman to be used at his discretion. 
The Rachael and Jack Rosenberg Special Seder Fund 
Supports programming for Special-needs adults in the community so that they may engage in Sukkot and Passover celebrations.
Sara & Marshall Duke Scholar-in-Residence Endowment Fund
Funds scholars-in-residence and other lecture series and educational opportunities.
Stone Youth Fund
Helps fund scholarships for USY members to participate in Conventions.
Other Donation opportunities:
Memorial Plaques
Honor the memory of a loved one with a plaque on our Yahrzeit board.
Tree of Life 
Honor a joyous event with a leaf on our tree.
Our congregation’s annual campaign to raise money critical to the creation, operation and maintenance of day-to-day programming and special events. Click here to participate in our largest annual fundraiser!
Mon, October 21 2024 19 Tishrei 5785