Lifelong Learning
Lifelong Learning at shearith israel
Our Shearith Israel community places tremendous value on education. From toddlers through older adults, whatever your background, lifestyle, or learning objective -- we want YOU to join and learn together with us! We offer programming for our youngest learners - appropriately designed for family involvement, of course - all the way through older adults. Take a look at our learning opportunities below. We are certain you’ll find something that piques your curiosity, and we look forward to learning with you soon!
YOUNG FAMILIES: For our youngest learners - toddlers through preschool age - we offer our K’tonton (2-4 year old) program.
YOUTH EDUCATION (PreK-7): Our Machaneh Shai (Hebrew for “Camp Shearith Israel”) is a unique and FUN opportunity for your children to learn the Hebrew language, internalize the Jewish ideals we value, and understand our people’s history.
PROGRAMMING FOR TEENS: As our children grow into teenagers, their developmental and educational needs change! Our teen programming - Pirkeh Avot (chapters of our ancestors) for 8th graders, Masa (journey) for 9th and 10th graders, and Life Yeshiva for our 11th graders - is designed to help teenagers incorporate what they’ve learned in Machaneh Shai and apply it to their own lives!
B’NAI MITZVAH AGE: Learn about our B'nai Mitzvah workshop series for students and their parents on the Journey to Adulthood (J2A) webpage!
CONTINUING EDUCATION / ADULT EDUCATION: Our CSI community believes in the utmost importance of continuing to educate ourselves. Let us help YOU find something that inspires you to learn!
Thu, March 6 2025
6 Adar 5785
Today's Calendar
: 7:00am |
: 7:00pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 9 |
Mar 9 |
Mar 9 |
Mar 10 |
Mar 12 |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Tetzaveh
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 7, 6:21pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 8, 7:10pm |
Parshat Zachor
Shabbat, Mar 8 |
annual appeal
in this moment
We are committed to caring for each other, advocating for the Jewish people and Israel, and recognizing the challenge of this moment of crisis and tragedy. Learn how we are responding to the situation in Israel.
Join us for our weekly ALT Service (for all-ages) with CSI Spiritual Music Innovator Ori Salzberg on Shabbat mornings at 10:30 am!
The Advancement Committee of the Board of Trustees is now at the early stages of understanding our community’s financial capacity to undertake an ambitious master plan project. Learn more below.
program planning
All can be a part of the process of accomplishing our mission and vision! Learn about our process and submit a program or initiative below.
the United synagogue of conservative judaism
Shearith Israel is affiliated with USCJ, a network of thriving centers of Jewish practice across North America, Israel, and beyond that celebrate both tradition and contemporary life.
1180 University Dr NE • Atlanta, GA 30306
Telephone: 404-873-1743 • Contact Us
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