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livestream services here:

Services @ CSI

All services are now taking place at Shearith Israel. Daily Minyan continues to be held on Zoom as well. In this "post-COVID" era, we once again require an in-person minyan for all prayers that need a minyan with the exception of Mourner’s Kaddish. That means if there are 5 people in-person and 5 people on Zoom, the service will omit prayers like the Barchu and Torah reading, but include the Mourner’s Kaddish at the end of the service. We are striving to have 10 people in-person for all of our daily minyanim in addition to our Zoom participants.

We are continuing to count Zoom participants as part of a minyan, or prayer quorum, allowing members to recite full prayer services including Mourner's Kaddish. 

Livestream on YouTube   Livestream on Facebook


service times: friday, febuary 7 - thursday, february 13 


Shabbat / yom tov Services + tot shabbat, alt service & torah study:

For information on our weekly Shabbat services (including TOT SHABBAT, ALT SERVICEand TORAH STUDY), candle lighting times, and more, click the button below.

Shabbat Services & Info


Daily Minyan on Zoom

To be a part of Daily Minyan services on Zoom, visit the following link at the appropriate time. 

Daily Minyan Services via Zoom - Gather Here

To join via the Zoom website instead, go to, click "Join a Meeting" and then enter the Meeting ID and Passcode. CSI members: Please check your email for the passcode, which is required for entry. Non-members who wish to request access to our minyan may email


Siddur purchases, "crosswalk", leading services, chanting Torah, minyan listserv + more:

Visit our Daily Minyan resources page for information related to ordering a prayer book or chumash, a breakdown of page numbers for prayer services across the Rabbinical Assembly's Sim Shalom and Lev Shalem siddurim, to join our minyan newsgroup, leading services and/or chanting Torah, and more.

Daily Minyan Resources

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785