Davening, Torah Readers & Shabbat Info
Davening, Torah Readers & Shabbat Info
All services, including Daily Minyan and Shabbat, take place at Shearith Israel and are open to all! Daily Minyan and Friday night services continue to be held on Zoom. Shabbat morning services are livestreamed on our website, YouTube, and Facebook pages. Click the button below to livestream services or participate on Zoom. For weekly service times, visit our Calendar or the link below.
Friday, September 27th:
Saturday, September 28th:
FRIDAY NIGHT shabbat candles (9/27/24): 7:08 pm
saturday morning torah reading (9/28/24): parashat nitzavim-vayeilech / men's club shabbat
ma'ariv & selichot (9/28/24): 7:45 pm
saturday night havdalah (9/28/24): 7:55 pm
TOrah study:
Torah Study will take place in Zimmerman Hall at 10:30 am each Shabbat morning. Most weeks, the facilitators are either Rabbi Jonathan Crane or Rabbi David, but other congregants also lead the session on occasional weeks.
Richard Elliott Friedman will lead Torah Study on September 28th.
alt service:
CSI's Spritual Music Innovator Ori Salzberg leads a fun, interactive and musical Shabbat morning service featuring stories, Torah reading, and more at 10:30am in the Chapel. All are welcome— school-aged children, families, and all ages! Email ori@meaningful.media to sign-up to read Torah or lead a portion of the service.
ALT Service on September 28th will be a song-filled musical tefillah led by Ori Salzberg with guitar, percussion, and a deep Torah discussion.
Tot Shabbat is back! Bring your young davener(s) ages 0-5 (with a caretaker) for a fun, interactive, weekly Shabbat morning service with songs, stories, snacks, and more in the multi-purpose / reception room at the front of the administrative wing at 10:30 am. No need to register— simply come and enjoy this exciting experience! The monthly line-up of leaders is:
- 1st and 3rd Shabbat of each month — Jana Kogon
- 2nd Shabbat — Rabbi David
- 4th Shabbat — Nancy Gorod
- 5th Shabbat (when applicable) — Sharon Graetz
Nancy Gorod will lead Tot Shabbat on September 28th.
davening this shabbat:
Shamash: Tal Frank
Gabbai: Randy Gorod
Gabbai Sheni: Open
Pesukei D'Zimrah: Rabbi Kaiman
Shacharit: Aryeh Stein
Torah Service: Open
Torah Readers: Barry Etra, Howard Levy, Robbie Medwed, Zach Bercu, Rick Kaplan, Andy Greene, Ron Einhorn
Haftarah: Michael Rich
Ashrei: Open
Musaf: Ed Jaocbson
Fri, October 4 2024
2 Tishrei 5785
Today's Calendar
Rosh Hashana |
: 8:30am |
: 10:00am |
Candle Lighting : 6:59pm |
: 7:30pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Oct 4 |
Oct 6 |
Oct 6 |
Oct 9 |
Oct 9 |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Ha'Azinu
Shabbat, Oct 5 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Oct 4, 6:59pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Oct 5, 7:45pm |
Rosh Hashana
Friday, Oct 4 |
in this moment
We are committed to caring for each other, advocating for the Jewish people and Israel, and recognizing the challenge of this moment of crisis and tragedy. Learn how we are responding to the situation in Israel.
Join us for our weekly ALT Service (for all-ages) with CSI Spiritual Music Innovator Ori Salzberg on Shabbat mornings at 10:30 am!
The Advancement Committee of the Board of Trustees is now at the early stages of understanding our community’s financial capacity to undertake an ambitious master plan project. Learn more below.
the United synagogue of conservative judaism
Shearith Israel is affiliated with USCJ, a network of thriving centers of Jewish practice across North America, Israel, and beyond that celebrate both tradition and contemporary life.