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Daily minyan & shabbat services

Daily and shabbat Services at csi:

Minyan is held every morning and evening at Shearith Israel. Weekday Shacharit begins at 7:00 a.m. (6:50 a.m. on days when the Torah is read); Sundays start at 9:00 a.m.; most federal holidays at 8:30 a.m. Weekday Mincha/Ma’ariv (afternoon and evening) times vary between 5:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. by season, so please consult the calendar for specific times! Enter for minyan from our parking lot off University Drive.

Please note: Saturday evening Ma'ariv and Havdalah services will now be held by request only. Please email to request this service take place on a particular week.

Egalitarian services are led by volunteers in the traditional manner of Ashkenazi congregations, and are accessible to everyone no matter their level of knowledge. If you are in mourning after the death of a loved one, observing a yahrzeit (anniversary of the date), or want to join our kehilla for a few minutes of reflection and community, please join us any morning or evening. If you are eager to lift your spiritual life through daily prayer, make the Shearith Israel minyan part of your routine.

sERVICE TIMES: friday, september 13 - THURSDAY, september 19:



To be a part of Daily Minyan services on Zoom, visit the following link at the appropriate time. 

Daily Minyan Services via Zoom - Gather Here

To join via the Zoom website instead, go to, click "Join a Meeting" and then enter the Meeting ID and Passcode.

CSI members: Please check your email for the passcode, which is required for entry. Non-members who wish to request access to our minyan may email


livestream & sHABBAT Services:

Click the buttons below for information on our Shabbat services, including weekly Tot Shabbat, ALT Service, and Torah Study.

Candlelighting Times & Shabbat Services Info 

Livestream Shabbat Morning Services


Shearith israel Minyan Listserv and WhatsApp

For general davening information and questions, including to express interest in leading Shabbat and/or Yom Tov services, chanting the Haftarah, and serving as a Shamash or Gabbai, please contact us at

We have a newsgroup! Join our minyan newsgroup by emailing Members of this group may post messages on the forum advising others of an upcoming yahrzeit or simcha, notifying the group if a regular attendee will be missing services as well as other minyan-related matters.

For same-day communications about daily minyan, you can join either or both our SIMinyan-mornings or SIMinyan-evenings WhatsApp groups. 



We know that congregants may be participating in services from home with a variety of siddurim! Please find a breakdown of page numbers for prayer services across the Rabbinical Assembly's Sim Shalom and Lev Shalem siddurim.

Siddur "Crosswalk" for Shabbat

Siddur "Crosswalk" for Weekdays



To download the prayer book for weekday and Shabbat services, or to order a prayer book (or an Etz Chaim chumash), click the appropriate button below:

Siddur Sim Shalom / Etz Chaim Chumash / Mahzor Lev Shalem - ORDER HERE

Download Siddur Sim Shalom Weekday + Shabbat Services



Shearith Israel davening is lay led; we are eager to expand the group of Shearith Israelites who lead services, chant Haftarah, and leyn Torah. To leyn Torah, please contact Baruch Stiftel and Howard Zandman at To lead a Shabbat or Yom Tov service or chant Haftarah, please contact Michael Rich at

Weekday service leaders are chosen on the spot, so we encourage you to just show up and make known your yahrzeit/mourning or other interest in leading.  We welcome the opportunity to help you learn (or brush up on) these skills. Reach out to Baruch and Howard (for Torah reading) or Michael (for haftara reading) and/or check out our study resource guides: 


Reflections on Praying with a Conservative Minyan

“…people seemed to daven as if they meant it.  They exuded this sense that something could happen in prayer.” –Rabbi Elie Kaunfer. Empowered Judaism 2010, p.8.

“This is really a good tent of Jacob, you know, a place where I am happy to dwell, an honest-to-goodness house of G-d.”-Arnold Eisen, Chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary. Conservative Judaism: Today and Tomorrow, 2015, p.25.

Prayer is many things to each of us, often different things on different days.  These personal reflections by Conservative/Masorti Jews share their experiences of minyan:

How To Say Kaddish For Your Father in 7 Different Cities by Rob Kutner

Reflections on my Mother’s Death: Minyan by Mark Novak

Thoughts as the End of Kaddish Nears by Bruce Stiftel

Sun, September 15 2024 12 Elul 5784