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service schedule


6:30 pm - Mincha/ Ma'ariv with sermon by Rabbi David Helfand
7:26 pm - Candle Lighting

ROSH HASHANAH DAY 1 - shabbat, SEPTEMBER 16, 2023

8:30 am - Shacharit 
10:30 am - Alternative Service, Tapuach Tots ("Little Ones" and families) and Teen Services
11 am - Sermon by Rabbi Kaiman
11:30 am - Torah Study with Rabbi Jonathan Crane (Theme: "Renewing Trust")
7:00 pm - Mincha
8:20 pm - Candle Lighting



8:30 am - Shacharit
10:30 am - Alternative Service & Tapuach Tots
10:30 am - Torah Study with Rabbi Jonathan Crane (Theme: "Renewing Worthiness")
11 am - Community Beit Midrash
6:00 pm - Outdoor Shofar service & Tashlich @ CSI
(Scroll down for a list of additional outdoor neighborhood shofar and Tashlich gatherings.) 
7:00 pm - Mincha / Ma'ariv^
8:11 pm - Havdalah
^Please note: Mincha and Ma'ariv on Sunday evening will be held in-person only.


KOL NIDRE - SunDAY, septemBER 24, 2023

6:45 pm - Mincha
7:15 pm - Candle Lighting
7:15 pm - Kol Nidre & Ma'ariv 
8:00 pm - Sermon by Rabbi David Helfand


YOM KIPPUR - monDAY, septemBER 25, 2023

9 am - Shacharit
10:30 am - Alternative Service, Tapuach Tots ("Little Ones" and families) and Teen Services
11:00 am* - Yizkor
12:15 pm - Sermon
2 pm - Torah Study with Rabbi Jonathan Crane (Theme: "Renewing Patience")
3:15 pm - Afternoon Learning with Rabbi Kaiman: "Beit Din" + Q&A on Shabbat observance in the Modern Era
4:15 pm - Afternoon Learning with Rabbi Helfand: "Tough Questions People Ask Their Rabbi" (Q&A and discussion)
4:30 pm - Yoga with Julie Zeff
5:30 pm - Mincha
6:45 pm - Neila
8:00 pm - Ma'ariv/Havdalah, Shofar Blowing & Break the fast
*Yizkor start time is approximate

alternative service (outdoors)

CSI Spiritual Music Innovator Ori Salzberg will lead an alternative outdoor service on both days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, from 10:30am - 11:30am. This is an abbreviated, song-filled, interactive, family-friendly service for all ages. Look for the tent at the corner of University Drive and Spring Valley Lane.

Alternative Service - Register Here

torah study with rabbi jonathan crane

We're pleased to offer opportunities for Torah Study with Rabbi Jonathan Crane during the High Holidays. The sessions will be held in Zimmerman Hall. 

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 (11:30 am) - Renewing Worthiness

Perhaps on a bad day the thought may have arisen that life is not worth living. What does it mean to say that a life is not a life? Though some people used this concept to bring about great harm, this session considers Judaic ways to think afresh about making our lives worthy of living.

Rosh Hashanah Day 2 (10:30 am) - Renewing Trust

Essential to any significant relationship is trust. What is trust? What does it mean to trust?  Who or what is trustworthy? Are you?

Yom Kippur (2 pm) - renewing patience

Life overflows with different kinds of suffering.  When confronted by suffering, we are encouraged to be resilient and patient.  Patience, however, is no singular thing.  What’s your model?

kever Avot: sunday, september 24th

We will continue our annual tradition of Kever Avot, visiting the gravesites of our beloved deceased between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, on Sunday morning, September 24th. Join Rabbis Kaiman and Helfand and fellow community members for this meaningful tradition. Click the link for directions:

yom kippur afternoon learning: monday, september 25th, 3:15 - 5:15 pm

Rabbi Kaiman and Rabbi Helfand will present learning sessions on Yom Kippur afternoon in the Sanctuary. Won't be here in-person? Livestream the sessions here.

  • 3:15 - 4:15 pm Rabbi Kaiman will lead a Beit Din-styled session and Q&A on the observance of Shabbat in the contemporary era modeled after the kashrut discussion held on the 2nd day of Rosh Hashanah
  • 4:15 - 5:15 pm Rabbi Helfand will lead an open Q&A session entitled "Tough Questions People Ask Their Rabbi". Bring a question or simply attend to participate in a wide ranging discussion on topics meaningful to the entire community.

yom kippur yoga: monday, september 25th, 4:30 pm

Julie Zeff will lead the annual Yom Kippur afternoon yoga session at CSI before afternoon services.

Register Here

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784