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B'nai Mitzvah guide - Things to Know


All deliveries for your weekend events must be completed no later than noon on Friday. Please notify our Receptionist of any expected deliveries.


Shomer Shabbat Guests

If you should require housing for any Shomer Shabbat guests, please contact our office to make their arrangements at least one month prior to your simcha.


B’nai Mitzvah Announcement in the e-bulletin (bio + photo)


Please submit your child’s brief bio, to be included in our Shearith Israel E-Bulletin, no later than the 1st of the month that precedes your simcha.


Many Bar/Bat Mitzvah families choose to have formal photos taken in the sanctuary with our Rabbi. Photo sessions are scheduled on Fridays between 11:00am and 1:00pm, or Thursday afternoons from 4:30pm – 6:30pm (unless this conflicts with a Jewish holiday). Please make these arrangements at least one month prior to your simcha with the Executive Assistant (

Out of respect for Shabbat, photo sessions must conclude prior to 1:30pm.

Click the button below for examples of bios and to upload your child(ren)'s bio and photo for inclusion in the e-newsletter.

Submit Bio & Photo


Invitations to classmates and friends

In alignment with our desired feelings and of creating a sense of kehillah – community, we ask our families to please be sensitive to the feelings of 12 and 13 year olds. We urge you to invite ALL of the students in your child’s 7th grade class and J2A cohort. The synagogue office will be happy to provide you with this list.

Parties and dinners held outside the synagogue should respect and follow the laws of Shabbat and Kashrut. To do otherwise diminishes the significance of the B’nai Mitzvah ceremony.


Following Your B’nai Mitzvah

Many families mark the milestone of their child’s becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah by making a contribution to the synagogue in honor of the simcha. This is an occasion for them to learn the important value of Tzedakah. There are many options to do so. These include making a donation to any of the synagogue funds or making a donation of an item that the synagogue might need. Any of these opportunities for giving may be discussed with the Executive Director.

Many students at this time choose to do a Mitzvah project, like collecting items for a local agency.  Others choose to donate a portion of their Bar or Bat Mitzvah gifts to an organization they want to support, such as Rebecca’s Tent, which is the women’s shelter attached to our building, or an organization that helps animals, plants trees in Israel, or a Jewish organization that feeds the hungry such as Mazon. It is a wonderful opportunity and sometimes possible to integrate the mitzvah project with your child’s Torah portion, which extends the meaning. Families and students are encouraged to highlight the simcha by showing the importance of giving to others less fortunate.  The Rabbi or Director of Congregational Learning can provide you with ideas for Jewish and secular charities that would welcome your assistance.

In addition, families are encouraged to honor the Bar or Bat Mitzvah day by purchasing a “leaf” on the Shearith Israel “Tree of Life” plaque outside of Zimmerman Hall. Please see the Executive Director to make this purchase.

Check with the Atlanta Jewish Times and other desired publications concerning placing an announcement, if so desired.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785