B'nai Mitzvah Guide - Honors / Gabbai Sheet
B'nai Mitzvah guide - Honors / Gabbai Sheet
Click the button below for a breakdown of the various components of the Shabbat Morning service, who is typically honored and what takes place:
Shabbat Morning Services - Breakdown
Gabbai Sheet / HONORS LIST
A document called the "Gabbai Sheet" serves as a guide to each B'nai Mitzvah service which the Bar or Bat Mitzvah student, tutor and Rabbi Kaiman will use in the Sanctuary during the service. The honors information you provide will ultimately be entered into your child(ren)'s unique Gabbai Sheet. Click the buttons below to view a few examples of recent Gabbai Sheets:
Bar Mitzvah Gabbai Sheet - Parashat Bereishit - 10/17/20
Bat Mitzvah Gabbai Sheet - Parashat Acharei Mot-Kedoshim - 5/2/20
- The Bar/Bat Mitzvah family may honor 4 people with aliyot for Torah readings. The Bar/Bat Mitzvah is typically assigned the Maftir (final) aliyah.
- Please note if/when the person receiving an aliyah is a Cohen or Levi.
- Couples may receive the honor of an aliyah together; however, only one person may officially perform the aliyah, be called to the Torah and recite the blessing before and after the Torah reading. If a couple (grandparents or aunt and uncle, for example) will stand at the Reader's Table together for an aliyah, please indicate which member of the couple will perform the aliyah.
- The Hebrew names of all honorees receiving an aliyah or performing Hagbah (lifting the Torah) or Gelilah (binding the Torah) must be submitted as part of the honors list for the Gabbai Sheet to the Executive Assistant (marketing@shearithisrael.com).
- Both men and women are expected to wear a tallit and head covering when on the bimah and when touching the Torah.
- It is customary that older generations precede younger generations within a family when selecting the order for the aliyot.
- Please submit names of any family or guest Torah readers for the B'nai Mitzvah service to marketing@shearithisrael.com, preferably two months in advance of the simcha in order to give our congregants an opportunity to prepare unclaimed readings.
- The Gabbai Sheet is produced by the Executive Assistant (marketing@shearithisrael.com)
- Davening assignments not given by the Bar/Bat Mitzvah family are assigned by Michael Rich (sidavening@gmail.com).
- Torah readers not assigned by the Bar/Bat Mitzvah family are assigned by Baruch Stiftel and Howard Zandman (torah@shearithisrael.com).
Sun, February 9 2025
11 Shevat 5785
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: 9:00am |
: 9:00am |
: 9:00am |
: 10:30am |
: 3:00pm |
: 5:00pm |
: 7:00pm |
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Shabbat, Feb 15 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 14, 6:03pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 15, 6:52pm |
Tu B'Shvat
Thursday, Feb 13 |
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