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board & synagogue Committees

Board Committees

Budget & Finance

The Budget and Finance Committee works with staff to develop the annual budget, oversee budget compliance, and manage assets. For more information, please contact Jerry Rothenberg at

Financial Advancement

The Financial Advancement Committee oversees the development and implementation of a strategic resource development plan that focuses on both individual and institutional giving and also includes the cultivation and stewardship of donors and grant providers. For more information, please contact Rick Kaplan at


The Board Governance Committee oversees the governance structure and practices to ensure the appropriate and effective functioning of the Board of Trustees. For more information, please contact Renée Stein at

Human Resources 

The Human Resources Committee guides the development, review, and authorization of personnel policies, procedures, and job descriptions.  The committee is responsible for evaluations of the Rabbi and Executive Director, serves as a liaison between employees and the Board, and makes recommendations to the Board with regard to hiring and evaluating Congregation Shearith Israel’s staff. For more information, please contact Rachel Silverman at

Member Stewardship

The Member Stewardship Committee works with staff to develop a strategic approach to cultivating, nurturing, and improving the relationships with members and prospective members of the Congregation. For more information, please contact Sara Duke at and Shayna Howard at


The Nominating Subcommittee proposes a slate of nominees for the Board to be voted by the membership at the Annual Meeting. For more information, please contact Heidi Einhorn at 

Religious Life 

The Religious Life Committee partners with clergy to maintain, improve and develop the religious life of the Congregation and its members by formulating practices, overseeing the care of religious objects, and ensuring member access to Chevra Kadisha. For more information, please contact Michael Rich at

Strategic Planning & Programs 

The Strategic Planning & Programs Committee oversees the strategic planning process and cycle  as well as monitoring and evaluating existing and new programs. For more information, please contact Jeff Kirsh at


synagogue Committees

Building and Grounds 

The Bullding and Grounds Committee works with the Executive Director to oversee capital maintenance projects and ensure the health of our campus. For more information, please contact Micah Rosen at

Communications Advisory Committee

The Communications Advisory Committee supports and advises Shearith Israel's online presence and communications. For more information, please contact Katie Greene at

Environmental Stewardship 

The Environmental Stewardship Committee works to implement best practices and advance Shearith Israel's commitment to sustainability. For more information, visit our Green Team webpage and contact Joanna Kobylivker at

Jewish Learning Committee

The Jewish Learning Committee is responsible for developing educational, cultural, and social programs for families, adults, and youth at Congregation Shearith Israel.  Together with the Director of Congregational Learning, the committee helps supervise the religious program for children, and develops an ongoing educational program for families of the congregation. For more information, please contact Sarah Silverman at

Master Planning 

Congregation Shearith Israel convened a Master Planning Committee in November of 2021, with the intention of initiating a campus master plan. CSI has hired Atlanta based architecture and design firm Lord Aeck Sargent to engage in a master planning process that will inform how to best use our space and plan for our future. For more information, visit our Master Planning portal and contact Michael Axelrod at

Shearith Israel For Good 

Shearith Israel For Good manifests our community's values of Ahavat Chinam (‘love for the sake of love’) and doing good within the greater Atlanta area. For more information, please visit our Shearith Israel For Good webpage and contact Robin Deutsch Edwards at


The Security Committee works with the Executive Director and head of security to set guidelines for the security of the congregation and Machaneh Shai. For more information, please contact Ed Jacobson at


Our Social Committee spearheads CSI's beloved social events like Casino Night, The Great Hang, and other unforgettable community gatherings. For more information, please contact Jaci Effron at

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785