Registration is required for infant children through children in pre-K attending Shearith Israel for the High Holidays. Programming will include:
Age-appropriate family services - "Tapuach Tots"
interactive activities
supervised free time on the playground
hearty snacks on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur
* Are you a member of Congregation Shearith Israel?Please Select One Yes No
* Are you the parent of the child(ren)?Please Select One Yes No
* State--Select State-- Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
High Holidays 2022 / 5783
Rosh Hashanah Day 1 is Monday, September 26
Rosh Hashanah Day 2 is Tuesday, September 27
Yom Kippur is Wednesday, October 5
FEES FOR INFANT BABYSITTING (infants to 1 year-olds): $27/service FOR MEMBERS; $30/service - FOR GUESTS
FEES FOR YOUNG CHILD(REN) (2 year-olds to preK) program registration: $18/service - FOR MEMBERS; $21/service - FOR GUESTS
The cost of babysitting covers the fees for our babysitters. Please make sure to bring everything your child may need for the time of services, including, but not limited to diapers, favorite toy, bottle or sippy cup, snacks, etc. The cost of young child programming covers the cost of snacks throughout the day and the fees for our children's program/service staff.
* Will you be registering one or more infants (under age 2)? Please Select One Yes No
Food Allergies/Medical Conditions Please Select One Yes No
If you indicated this child has any food or other allergies/medical conditions that we should know about, please share with us any information, including allergies and/or medical conditions that will help us have a healthy and safe experience:
* Will you be registering another infant?Please Select One Yes No
Food Allergies/Medical Conditions Please Select One Yes No
If you indicated this child has any food or other allergies/medical conditions that we should know about, please share with us any information, including allergies and/or medical conditions that will help us have a healthy and safe experience:
* Will you be registering one or more young children (age 2 - PreK)?Please Select One Yes No
Food Allergies/Medical Conditions Please Select One Yes No
If you indicated this child has any food or other allergies/medical conditions that we should know about, please share with us any information, including allergies and/or medical conditions that will help us have a healthy and safe experience:
Do you have (an) additional young child to register? Please Select One Yes No
Food Allergies/Medical Conditions Please Select One Yes No
If you indicated this child has any food or other allergies/medical conditions that we should know about, please share with us any information, including allergies and/or medical conditions that will help us have a healthy and safe experience:
How many additional young children (age 2 - PreK) do you have to register? Please Select One 0 1 2
Food Allergies/Medical Conditions Please Select One Yes No
If you indicated this child has any food or other allergies/medical conditions that we should know about, please share with us any information, including allergies and/or medical conditions that will help us have a healthy and safe experience:
Food Allergies/Medical Conditions Please Select One Yes No
If you indicated this child has any food or other allergies/medical conditions that we should know about, please share with us any information, including allergies and/or medical conditions that will help us have a healthy and safe experience:
**Please note a 2.5 - 3% processing fee will be applied to all credit card payments. If you want to avoid the fees, contact Jacinta Cox at 404-503-9909 to discuss other payment options**
All families who are making use of either youth programming or childcare are asked to volunteer to help with the programming for at least one shift. Shifts are available for both days of Rosh Hashanah and/or Yom Kippur.
* Will you volunteer to assist with childcare and youth programming during the High Holidays?Please Select One Yes No
Please rank your top 3 choices for volunteer shifts below.