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fresh Fridays '24 - '25

It's a new year, and it's time for new, refreshing Friday nights at Shearith Israel! We're trying out something new for our Friday evening Shabbat experience—from week to week we'll rotate between Young Family Fridays, an early (5:30 - 6:15 pm) kid-friendly, song filled, participatory prayer experience led by Ori Salzberg with snacks and a sweet, Friday Night Live, Chavurah Fridays, in which a different chavurah will gather to welcome Shabbat together, Potluck Fridays, featuring a vegetarian, dairy potluck meal and davening, and "Regular" Friday nights with a standard service. View the schedule below (also available via this grid) for details on our revamped Friday nights as we welcome shabbat together in-style!  


Young Family Fridays (5:30 - 6:15 pm)

In 2024-2025, we will gather nearly once a month at Shearith for family-oriented, song-filled, participatory early Friday evening Shabbat prayer led by Ori Salzberg from 5:30 - 6:15 pm. Maariv is included and all ages are welcome! Come enjoy a special get-together with songs, community, and snacks. We'll have challah, grape juice + sweets!


September 6th | November 1st | January 3rd | February 7th | March 14th | May 2nd | May 30th

Learn more and register for Young Family Fridays


Friday NIGHT LIVE (7:30 pm)

FNL is back! Join us for our fall - spring 2024-2025 Friday Night Lives featuring special, spirited Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv services at 7:30 pm with uplifting melodies, a congregant-led d'var Torah, and an oneg reception with desserts and beverages. View the full list of presenters and oneg sponsors via the button below. 


September 13th | November 15th | December 13th | January 24th | February 21st | March 21st | April 25th | May 16th

Learn more and register for FNL


chavurah fridays (6 pm)

We look forward to welcoming a number of CSI chavurot to gather and lead Friday evening services this year! Services will begin at 6 pm with the chavurah's dinner at 6:45 pm, when applicable. Stay tuned for additional details. 


September 27th | December 20th | February 28th | May 23rd


POTLUCK fridays (6 pm)

Come enjoy shabbat services together followed by a vegetarian-friendly, dairy potluck meal at Shearith. Services will begin at 6 pm with the potluck at 6:45 pm. 


November 22nd | February 14th | April 4th

Register Here


20's & 30's 

Calling all 20s and 30s NextGen young adults—we have Fridays for you! Join us for social Friday night get togethers with services led by Rabbi David. Stay tuned for additional details.


September 20th | January 17th | March 28th


traditional fridays (7:30 pm)

We'll continue our standard Friday night experience of services in the Chapel led by Rabbi Kaiman, Rabbi David, or Ori Salzberg this year as well.  


November 8th | November 29th | December 27th | January 10th | January 31st | March 7th | April 11th | May 9th | June 6th | June 13th 

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785