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service schedule

EREV ROSH HASHANAH - weDnesdAY, octoBER 2, 2024

6:30 pm - Mincha/ Ma'ariv with sermon by Rabbi David Helfand
7:01 pm - Candle Lighting

ROSH HASHANAH DAY 1 - thursday, octoBER 3, 2024

8:30 am - Shacharit 
10:00 am - Alternative Outdoor Service w/ Singing Circle
10:30 am - Tapuach Tots ("Little Ones" and families) and Teen Services
11 am - Sermon by Rabbi Ari Kaiman
11:30 am - Torah Study led by Richard Elliott Friedman
6:00 pm - Mincha
6:30 pm - Outdoor Shofar service @ CSI Parking Lot / Tashlich
(Scroll down for a list of additional outdoor neighborhood shofar and Tashlich gatherings.) 
7:15 pm - Ma'ariv*
7:55 pm - Candle Lighting
*Please note: Ma'ariv on Rosh Hashanah Day 1 will not be livestreamed, as it will take place outside of the synagogue following Tashlich.

ROSH HASHANAH DAY 2 - friDAY, octoBER 4, 2024

8:30 am - Shacharit 
10:00 am - Alternative Outdoor Service w/ Singing Circle
10:30 am - Tapuach Tots ("Little Ones" and families) + Teen Tashlich (meet in the Chapel)
11 am - Panel discussion with Dr. Edward Queen, Rabbi Ari Kaiman, and Rabbi David Helfand
11:30 am - Torah Study led by Richard Elliott Friedman 
6:59 pm - Candle Lighting for Shabbat 
7:30 pm - Kabbalat Shabbat / Ma'ariv (in-person and on Zoom) 


KOL NIDRE - friDAY, octoBER 11, 2024

6:15 pm - Mincha
6:30 pm - Kol Nidre
6:50 pm - Candle Lighting and Ma'ariv
7:20 pm - Sermon by Rabbi David Helfand
8:30 pm - President's Address by Blair Rothstein 


YOM KIPPUR - saturdAY, octoBER 12, 2024

9 am - Shacharit
10:00 am - Alternative Outdoor Service w/ Singing Circle
10:30 am - Tapuach Tots ("Little Ones" and families) and Teen Services
11:00 am^ - Yizkor
12:30 pm - Sermon by Rabbi Kaiman
2 pm - Torah Study led by Richard Elliott Friedman
3 pm - A Service for Broken Hearts
4 pm - Afternoon Learning with Rabbi David Helfand
4:30 pm - Yoga with Julie Zeff
5:00 pm - Mincha
6:15 pm - Neila 
7:30 pm - Ma'ariv 
7:37 pm - Havdalah, Shofar Blowing & Break the Fast
^Yizkor start time is approximate

alternative service (outdoors)

CSI Spiritual Music Innovator Ori Salzberg will lead an alternative outdoor service on both days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, from 10:30am - 11:30am, with a Singing Circle starting at 10 am. This is an abbreviated, song-filled, interactive, family-friendly service for all ages. Look for the tent at the corner of University Drive and Spring Valley Lane.

Alternative Service - Register Here

torah study 

We're pleased to offer opportunities for Torah Study with esteemed scholar Richard Elliott Friedman during the High Holidays. The sessions will be held in Zimmerman Hall. 

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 (11:30 am)

From Darkness to Light: Creation from Genesis to Big Bang to Kabbalah

Rosh Hashanah Day 2 (11:30 am)

The Creation of Good and Bad: The Prophet Isaiah

Yom Kippur (2 pm)

Israel Then & Now: A Biblical Scholar in Modern Israel

neighborhood shofar blasts & tashlich gatherings: thursday, october 3rd

We are pleased to be offering outdoor gatherings in a few neighborhoods on the 1st day of Rosh Hashanah (Thursday, October 3rd) to hear the shofar blasts and perform the Tashlich ritual:

  • Herbert Taylor Park (Morningside) - 3 pm (Meet at the park entrance sign on the corner of Pasadena Avenue and Beech Valley Road; view map here.) 
  • Glenlake Park (Decatur) - 3:30 pm (Meet in the field beside the pavilion and playground; view map here.)
  • CSI Parking Lot - 6:30 pm (Be prepared for a short walk to a nearby stream; followed by Ma'ariv. Please note: This gathering will begin shortly after completion of the 6 pm afternoon Mincha service in the Sanctuary.)

Register Here

kever Avot: sunday, october 6th

We will continue our annual tradition of Kever Avot, visiting the gravesites of our beloved deceased between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, on Sunday morning, October 6th. Join Rabbis Kaiman and Helfand and fellow community members for this meaningful tradition. Click the link for directions:

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Shevat 5785