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Machaneh Shai Teachers 2023-2024

2023 - 2024 Teachers List Coming Soon!

2022-2023 Teachers Below:

  Jaydin Moskowitz (Kindergarten)

Hi, my name is Jaydin! I am currently a student at Emory University getting my bachelors in English and Creative Writing. During high school, I had the amazing opportunity to study abroad in Israel. This is where I fell in love with the Jewish community and its values. I am so excited to pass that forward to the students at Machaneh Shai! 






   Lily Green (First Grade)

Hi, I'm Lily! I'm a senior at Decatur High School and I'm super excited to be back for my second year at Machaneh Shai. I went through the Machaneh Shai program, myself, from kindergarten through seventh grade and have seen the immense benefits that come from it. I am also the president of Congregation Shearith Israel's USY chapter and am so excited for this year of Machaneh Shai!







  Brooke Hert (2nd Grade)

Hi, my name is Brooke and I am so excited to be teaching 2nd grade this year! I’m originally from South Florida, where I had a strong Jewish upbringing starting in preschool. In high school, I was very active in Kadima and USY. It was here that I truly found my Jewish identity. I went on to attend Florida State University (Go ‘noles!), where I served on the Hillel executive board and spent my summers as a counselor at both Ramah Poconos and Ramah Darom. I now live in Atlanta and work in healthcare staffing. I hope to bring my collective knowledge and passion to the classroom to make for a fun-packed experience! I can’t wait to see what this year brings and look forward to meeting all your smiling faces! 



Abby Berger (3rd/4th grade)

Abby Berger is an elementary school teacher at the Davis Academy. She graduated from the University of Michigan in 2020 with a degree in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. Outside of the classroom, Abby spends her free time at the yoga studio, biking, going on hikes with friends, and playing with her kitten named Freddie. Abby’s favorite holiday is Rosh Hashanah. 





  Sophie Wolle (5th grade)

Hi! My name is Sophie, and I am so excited to be your teacher this year at Machaneh Shai. I am originally from Toronto, Ontario, but I grew up in Highland Park, Illinois, where I attended our local Jewish day schools from kindergarten through 12th grade. Now, I am a sophomore at Emory University studying Art History and Business. Before coming to college, I was lucky enough to take a gap year in Israel to study at the Hartman Institute and live in Jerusalem! I’m so excited to work with you all this year, and I look forward to learning and having fun together!





  Sarah Pretsky (6th Alef)

Hi, my name is Sarah Pretsky. I am from Los Angeles, CA and going into my sophomore year at Emory. I am majoring in Psychology and Linguistics and minoring in Spanish. At school, I’m involved with Hillel and Chabad and love spending my Friday nights there to have Shabbat dinner with friends. Growing up, I attended a Conservative Jewish Day School and pluralistic high school and I am extremely grateful for the Jewish education I received there. I also spent my summers as a camper at Camp Ramah in California and for the past two years I have been working here as a counselor. After graduating High School, I took a gap year and participated in Young Judaea Year Course. During that year, I spent a semester volunteering in a daycare and the other taking classes. While living in Israel, my Hebrew speaking skills greatly improved and I learned so much about Israel and Israeli culture. I am so excited to be working at Machaneh Shai this coming year  and looking forward to meeting all the students and their families. See you soon!


  Ben Brodsky (6th Bet)
My name is Ben Brodsky and I’m a Sophomore at Emory University. I’m originally from Phoenix, Arizona, where I began to understand my Jewish identity at my K-8 Jewish Day School. I’m so excited to pass on this Jewish experience to the next generation, focusing on what Judaism and the Torah say about morality, including values like Tikkun Olam, mitzvah seeking, and understanding our Jewish history. 

I am beyond excited to get started with a wonderful group of 6th graders, please reach out if you’d like to say Shalom or if you have any questions!



  Natasha Dabush (7th grade)

Hello name is Natasha ‘Chava’ Dabush, and I am excited to be teaching at Shearith Israel this year. I have worked with children of all ages for many years, and I have a passion for educating young Jewish minds and enriching their souls.  Additionally, I have a career in Corporate Finance, and along with this year's curriculum your children might also end up learning how to prepare a profit-and-loss statement! My goal for this year is to support the next generation of Jewish minds by applying my background and knowledge of Israel, Judaism and the world, thus filling their souls with that knowledge and wisdom that they can carry with them for the rest of their lives. 




Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784