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Membership Application Form

As a member of Shearith Israel, you are a part of a Conservative congregation with a committed, caring, and renowned professional staff:  Rabbi, educators, and administrators.

Benefits of Membership Include:

Availability of Clergy:

Members are entitled to call on our Rabbi for pastoral counseling, hospital visitations, and similar needs.

Life Cycle Events:

We encourage our congregants to turn to our Rabbi for an Aufruf and marriage ceremony, Brit-Milah and Brit Bat (baby-naming) ceremony, Bar/Bat Mitzvah Ceremony, and funeral service.

Worship Services:

Shabbat morning worship services and selected festivals include programming and babysitting for children ages 18 months through high school.  Membership includes tickets to the High Holy Days.

Synagogue Events and Programs:

Members are entitled to attend Adult Education classes and other designated programs.

Religious School:

Members may enroll their school-age children in the religious school (subject to such fees and standards as established in the Religious School Family Handbook).

Chesed Society:

Congregation Shearith Israel created the Gertrude & Edward Krick Chesed Society in the spirit of Gemilut Hasadim – acts of loving kindness.  When one of our families suffers the loss of a loved one they have the comfort knowing that their community will attend to their needs.


If your membership includes High Holy Day tickets, you are eligible for reciprocity with participating synagogues in the United States.

To apply for Membership to Congregation Shearith Israel. Please complete the electronic form below:

Associate Membership

An Associate Membership requires full membership in another congregation, whether it is across town or even across the country. The annual cost is $750. Please be aware that High Holiday tickets are NOT included with an Associate Membership.

NOTE: Before completing the Membership Application Form below, PLEASE set-up a log in account by clicking "New user: Register now" at the top right corner of this page. This will ensure your membership application information is automatically entered directly into our system.

Members in their 20s are exempt from paying dues and the Building Fund, but will be required to pay the $200 security fee.



CHILD #1 (if applicable)

CHILD #2 (if applicable)

CHILD #3 (if applicable)

How would you like to receive Statements, Yarhzeit notices, etc..


It is the custom of the congregation to read the names of loved ones who are no longer with us on the anniversary of their passing. You will be notified via mail from the Rabbinic Offices in advance of the date your loved one’s name will be read and the appropriate date to light a remembrance candle. You will be notified on the Hebrew date of passing. 


In order to serve you better, please take a few moments to answer the following questions. Also, please feel free to include any additional information that you feel may be beneficial to us. 

By clicking the "Submit" button, below, I/we herewith apply for membership at Congregation Shearith Israel, and when accepted, I/we promise to abide by the rules and regulations of the Synagogue. I/we agree to pay annual dues as fixed by the Congregation Shearith Israel Board of Trustees, in accordance with the By-Laws of the Synagogue. First 1/2 dues must be paid prior to High Holy Days in order to obtain tickets. Furthermore, I/we agree to pay any dues obligation needs in full by each December 31st. I/we understand that an obligation of membership includes a Building Fund pledge in the amount of $3,600 which is billed over the first 5 years of membership. Resignations must be in writing, and by the below referenced signatures, it is understood and agreed that I/we am/are responsible for the entire year’s dues and fees, should the resignation be submitted during any given fiscal year. This application must be accompanied by $200.00 which is a deposit towards the annual dues for the first year. 
Membership Dues Deposit - $200
The remaining dues balance based on your membership type will be set up on monthly auto-payments for up to 12 months beginning the 1st of the following month that you join.  If you desire to pay the balance in full or by another form of payment, please contact Jacinta Cox at 404-503-9909.

You will receive an email confirmation when the dues auto payments are scheduled.
If you have any questions, please call the synagogue at (404) 873-1743. To discuss payment plans or other options for financial assistance, please contact Jacinta Cox, our Office Manager, at or 404-503-9909. 



Wed, January 15 2025 15 Tevet 5785