Minyannaires (Daily Minyan)
Minyannaires (Daily Minyan)
Daily prayer has been central to the mission of CSI for 110 years. Our congregants (and sometimes guests) want to be able to pray together, whether to maintain their daily prayer routine, to observe yahrzeits and mourning periods by saying kaddish in a minyan, or to enjoy the social aspects of community.
When/Where we meet:
Of course, there are Of course, there are daily services every morning and evening at Shearith Israel; please visit https://www.shearithisrael.com/calendar for times as they vary by the season. Breakfast is served following Shacharit on Monday and Thursday mornings. Daily minyan takes place in Mazier Chapel (enter from the parking lot).
what we do:
You can be instrumental:
- Just show up!
- Observe yahrzeits for your deceased loved ones. If you don't know the dates, the office can help you.
- When a loved one passes away, observe the mourning periods of shiva, sheloshim, and, for parents, the full 11 months of saying kaddish.
- Adopt a day: Choose a day of the week, either morning or evening, when you are likely not to have many scheduling conflicts. Then commit to attend that meeting of the minyan, schedule permitting every week on that day/service.
- Be the 10th: If you live within a few miles of CSI, put yourself on the call list for the day(s) and time(s) you could be available to complete the minyan.
- Subscribe to the minyan newsgroup by emailing SIMinyan-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
how to get involved:
Contact some of our regular minyannaires for questions or for more information:
Barry Etra: betra@keiretsuforum.net
Ed Jacobson: jacobsoned@yahoo.com
Baruch Stiftel: baruch.stiftel@gmail.com
Or click here for the Daily Minyan webpage.
Fri, October 4 2024
2 Tishrei 5785
Today's Calendar
Rosh Hashana |
: 8:30am |
: 10:00am |
Candle Lighting : 6:59pm |
: 7:30pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Oct 4 |
Oct 6 |
Oct 6 |
Oct 9 |
Oct 9 |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Ha'Azinu
Shabbat, Oct 5 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Oct 4, 6:59pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Oct 5, 7:45pm |
Rosh Hashana
Friday, Oct 4 |
in this moment
We are committed to caring for each other, advocating for the Jewish people and Israel, and recognizing the challenge of this moment of crisis and tragedy. Learn how we are responding to the situation in Israel.
Join us for our weekly ALT Service (for all-ages) with CSI Spiritual Music Innovator Ori Salzberg on Shabbat mornings at 10:30 am!
The Advancement Committee of the Board of Trustees is now at the early stages of understanding our community’s financial capacity to undertake an ambitious master plan project. Learn more below.
the United synagogue of conservative judaism
Shearith Israel is affiliated with USCJ, a network of thriving centers of Jewish practice across North America, Israel, and beyond that celebrate both tradition and contemporary life.