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Sukkot 5782

The festival of Sukkot begins on Monday evening, September 20, with Yom Tov on Tuesday, September 21 and Wednesday, September 22. 

Shemini Atzeret begins on the evening of Monday, September 27, through sundown on Tuesday, September 28, and Simchat Torah begins the evening of Tuesday, September 28 through Wednesday, September 29. 

Scroll down for information on Sukkot and Simchat Torah at CSI. 


Build Your Own Reusable Sukkah:

All are encouraged to build your own sukkah to enjoy this joyous and meaningful fall holiday. CSI member Micah Rosen has created a fantastic step-by-step video guide on how to construct a reusable sukkah frame. The video includes all of the supplies needed and even shows you where to find the items in stores. Building a sukkah is simple and affordable- let Micah show you how! 

How to Build a Reusable Sukkah


Yom Tov Sukkot, Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah Services Schedule

Monday, September 20
7pm - Mincha & Ma'ariv (in-person and on Zoom)
Tuesday, September 21 (Sukkot Day 1)
9am - Yom Tov Morning Services*
7pm - Mincha & Ma'ariv*

Wednesday, September 22 (Sukkot Day 2) 
9am - Yom Tov Morning Services*
7pm - Ma'ariv*

Monday, September 27
7pm - Mincha & Ma'ariv* (in-person and on Zoom)

Tuesday, September 28 (Shemini Atzeret)
9am - Yom Tov Morning Services*
6:30pm - Mincha Service*
7pm - Simchat Torah Hakkafot (dancing and singing) in the parking lot
7:45pm -  Ma'ariv*

Wednesday, September 29 (Simchat Torah) 
9am - Yom Tov Morning Services*
7pm - Ma'ariv* 

*These services will be both in-person and livestreamed here.


Sukkot programming:

Don't miss the following events in the CSI Sukkah:  

Friday, September 24 @ 7:30pm

Friday Night Live in the Sukkah   Join us for our spirited Friday Night Live Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma'ariv services follwoed by a Kiddush and oneg reception with snacks and beverages in the CSI sukkah. Register here.

Sunday, September 26:

Machaneh Shai in the Sukkah (9am - 12pm)   Our Machaneh Shai students and their families will enjoy special time in the Sukkah, shake the lulav and etrog and hang their decorations and artwork!

USY Pizza in the Sukkah (12pm - 1pm)   CSI USY youth group members will gather for a pizza lunch in the sukkah. There is no easier way to fulfill a mitzvah than by eating pizza! Register here.

6th Graders' Sukkah Shenanigans (1pm - 2:30pm)  Our 6th grade students will gather for an afternoon of games and fun in the Sukkah! Register here.

Sisterhood Sukkot Special: Pie in the Sky (4pm - 5:30pm)  Sisterhood members are invited to celebrate the harvest festival with friends and delicious homemade apple pie! Register here or email

BeerSukkah (8pm)  Men's Club will continue its tradition of gathering in the sukkah for beers and socializing. Register here


Simchat Torah Celebration:

Sign-up to be a part of CSI's outdoor Simchat Torah celebration on Tuesday evening, September 28 at 7pm! We will enjoy singing, dancing and have a refreshing treat to enjoy! 

Celebrate With Us!

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785