Machaneh Shai Enrollment
Machaneh Shai enrollment
Machaneh Shai (Hebrew for Camp Shearith Israel"), is Shearith Israel's religious school, serving kids from 3* years old through 7th grade. We emphasize experiential education, personal religious development, and whole-family learning. Machaneh Shai provides fun, hands-on, and engaging ways to learn about Jewish traditions, prayers, Torah, Israel, and Jewish history.
Synagogue Membership Not Required for kids 3 years old through 3rd grade. Some families may not be ready to commit joining a synagogue, so we offer the option for parents to enroll their children at Machaneh Shai and pay for only their Jewish education while receiving some of the perks of synagogue membership.
Machaneh Shai students meet on Sunday mornings from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at CSI. Just bring a labeled water bottle and weather-appropriate layers for air conditioning and the outdoors.
For students in second through seventh grade, the midweek Hebrew component is an integral part of the Machaneh Shai experience. Students can choose in-person Hebrew at Shearith Israel on Wednesdays from 4:30-6:00 or learn online with Atlanta Hebrew Connection (AHC) at a time that works best for them. AHC sessions are 45 minutes long and you can choose between Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at 4:30, 5:30, or 6:30. If you select the AHC option, please submit the form below by July 1 to ensure you get your preferred time.
*Must be 3 years old by September 1 and toilet trained.
Select your student's AHC weekday learning time
2024-2025 Machaneh Shai Calendar
Try IT out!
Machaneh Shai is open to all children 3 years old* through 7th grade. Synagogue affiliation is not required for kids 3 years old through 3rd grade. We know your child(ren) will love it, so we welcome you to try two weeks for free, no commitment! Just fill out the interest form below and let us know when to expect you.
Tuition & Details:
Non-members please contact our office at 404-873-1743 for assistance in creating a profile before proceeding with enrollment OR for enrollment assistance.
Questions about Machaneh Shai? Contact Sharon Graetz, Director of Youth Education, at or 404.503.9906.
Please note: A deposit of $215.00 per student is due upon enrollment and the balance will be split into the number of payments selected on the application.
Enroll your child(ren) in Machaneh Shai!
age 3 & pRE-K class
Members: $700
Non-members: $1500
K- 1st grade
Members: $1000
Non-members: $1500
Grades 2-7
Members: $1300
Non-members: $1500 (through 3rd grade only*)
*Non-members interested in enrolling their child(ren) in grades 4 - 7 should contact Sharon Graetz at the email and number above.
Judaics Curriculum:
The Machaneh Shai curriculum incorporates best practices and leading-edge research in the field of Jewish education. Our unique program emphasizes experiential education, personal religious development, and whole family learning. Machaneh Shai provides fun, hands-on, and engaging ways to learn about Jewish traditions, prayers, Torah, Israel, and Jewish history.
Typical Morning at Machaneh Shai
9:00 - 9:15 am Z’man kehillah (community time/drop off)
9:15 - 9:30 am Havdalah
9:30 - 10:30 am Class time by grade
10:30 - 10:55 am K-2 Hafsakah (snack/break)
10:30 - 10:45 am 3-7 Hafsakah (snack/break)
10:55 - 11:15 am K- 2nd grade Tefillah
10:45 - 11:15 am Grades 3-7 Tefillah
11:15 - 12:00 pm Huggim (electives) Options may include: Art, cooking, drama, and more!
Tefillah Curriculum:
Hear Rabbi Kaiman recite the various prayers via Soundcloud at the links below.
Aryeh - Lion:
Decoding Plus, Modeh Ani, Shema, Barchu, Friday Night Home Blessings
Dov - Bear:
Food Blessings (including hagafen), Yotzer Or - Read, not changed, V'ahavta, Mah Tovu, Passover 4 Questions, Mi Chamocha/Tzur Yisrael
Kof - Monkey:
Birchot Hashachar/Nisim B'chol Yom, Avot v'Imahot, Gevurot, Kedushah, Mourner's, Kaddish/Chatzi Kaddish, Aleinu
Soos - Horse:
Mourner's Kaddish/Chatzi Kaddish (2022-23 Only), Va Yehi Binsoa , Ein Kamocha, Shema, Echad, Gadlu, Lecha, Yehallelu, Torah Blessings, Birchat Ha Haftarah
Zev - Wolf:
Ashrei, Full Friday Night Kiddush, Modim Anachnu Lach, Sim Shalom/Oseh Shalom, Ein Keloheinu, Havdallah Blessings
Sun, February 9 2025
11 Shevat 5785
Today's Calendar
: 9:00am |
: 9:00am |
: 9:00am |
: 10:30am |
: 3:00pm |
: 5:00pm |
: 7:00pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 9 |
Feb 9 |
Feb 9 |
Feb 9 |
Feb 9 |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Yitro
Shabbat, Feb 15 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 14, 6:03pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 15, 6:52pm |
Tu B'Shvat
Thursday, Feb 13 |
annual appeal
in this moment
We are committed to caring for each other, advocating for the Jewish people and Israel, and recognizing the challenge of this moment of crisis and tragedy. Learn how we are responding to the situation in Israel.
Join us for our weekly ALT Service (for all-ages) with CSI Spiritual Music Innovator Ori Salzberg on Shabbat mornings at 10:30 am!
The Advancement Committee of the Board of Trustees is now at the early stages of understanding our community’s financial capacity to undertake an ambitious master plan project. Learn more below.
program planning
All can be a part of the process of accomplishing our mission and vision! Learn about our process and submit a program or initiative below.
the United synagogue of conservative judaism
Shearith Israel is affiliated with USCJ, a network of thriving centers of Jewish practice across North America, Israel, and beyond that celebrate both tradition and contemporary life.
1180 University Dr NE • Atlanta, GA 30306
Telephone: 404-873-1743 • Contact Us
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