Passover 5783
Passover 5783
Chag sameach! Shearith Israel wishes you and your family a joyful, kosher and meaningful Passover holiday. Scroll down for information on the seders, preparing your home, selling your chametz, a schedule of CSI's Passover services and more!
Passover begins Wednesday evening, April 5, 2023, with Yom Tov on Thursday, April 6 and Friday, April 7. The final two days of Passover are Yom Tov as well, beginning Tuesday evening, April 11 through Thursday night, April 13. Yizkor will be recited during Yom Tov morning services on Thursday, April 13 at approximately 11am.
Passover Service Times:
All services will be held in-person. Non-Yom Tov weekday morning and all evening services will be on Zoom. Yom Tov and Shabbat morning services will be livestreamed (L).
Please note: Evening services will not be held on Thursday, April 6th as congregants enjoy the 2nd seder at that time.
Services via Zoom - Gather Here
To request access to our minyan, email
shearith seder connection
At Shearith Israel we value inclusiveness and community. Some of us are used to making large Seders for family and friends. Others among us might be looking to connect with others for a Seder experience out of the house. Who wouldn’t want to be hosted one night instead of hosting both seders?! Many of us would happily host more, but don’t know who to ask. Others would like to be hosted, but don’t want to impose. This year we will be matchmakers as the Shearith Seder Connection returns!
Please note: Submissions for the Seder Connection program have now closed. If you wish to invite community members to your seder or be a guest at a seder, please email We will do our best to accommodate those who wish to participate.
The Rabbinical Assembly Guide provides a comprehensive review of the ways that different kinds of dishes, utensils, and cookware can be made Kosher for Passover. There is also great guidance to which foods are permissible and which are forbidden. We will have Bedikat Chametz (search for chametz) kits available for pick-up at CSI prior to Passover.
Tips for preparing your home for Passover:
- Start by making the kitchen and dining area the only place that Chametz can be consumed.
- Move one room at a time, with a thorough vacuum, sweep, and wipedown of all surfaces. Go under couches and into cushions. Any place that a crumb might have fallen deserves to be checked.
- When you’re ready for a “Chametz free home” move onto the Kitchen and dining areas. Consult the guide for advice.
This comprehensive list makes Passover shopping so much easier! You’ll be fine as long as you thoroughly avoid any wheat, barley, oat, spelt, or rye products. Lots of natural foods like fruits, vegetables, Kosher meat, fish, and dairy products are great!
Mechirat Chametz - Selling Chametz
Visit the link below to complete a short form to sell your leavened products and other food not acceptable during Passover. If possible, all Chametz, or materials containing such unacceptable food - should be destroyed or given away before the holiday begins. Should this be impossible, the Chametz may be stored in such a way that you are sure not to use it during the holiday and its actual ownership is transferred to a non-Jew until the holiday ends.
5783 / 2023 Sale of Chametz Form
The deadline to complete the form is Wednesday morning, April 5 at 10 am. Have a meaningful and kosher holiday!
Bedikat Chametz - Searching for Leaven
The ritual of Bedikat Chametz, searching for leaven, is traditionally performed the night before Passover begins. This year the search for chametz takes place on Tuesday night, April 4th. The items used in a Bedikat Chametz kit include a feather, paper bag, and a candle.
Click here for further instructions, including the blessing, to perform the ritual of Bedikat Chametz, an act of physical and spiritual cleansing.
Bedikat chametz kits are available to be picked up in the Multi-Purpose Room at the front of the administrative wing of the CSI office. Stop by on Friday, March 31st (before 3 pm), on Shabbat morning, Monday, April 3rd, or Tuesday, April 4th to pick up a kit.
Biur Chametz - Burning of the Chametz
All chametz gathered during the ritual of Bedikat Chametz should be burned on Wednesday, April 5th before 12pm. The community is invited to bring chametz to be burned in a small bonfire in the Shearith Israel parking lot on the morning of April 5th from 9:30 - 10am.
Click here for instructions, including the recitation, to perform the ritual of Biur Chametz.
For those refraining from eating chametz throughout the holiday, the final time chametz may be consumed is 11:26am on April 5th.
Rabbi Kaiman's Virtual Seder Preparation Guide
Kveller Article on Preparing a Seder
My Jewish Learning - Basic Seder Tips
Ron Wolfson on Passover Seder During Pandemic
Tips for a solo or small Seder
Ron Wolfson - tips for a memorable seder
CSI's Virtual Haggadah Prepared by Rabbi Kaiman
Services via Zoom - Gather Here Livestream Services Here
For a list of Passover service leaders and candle lighting times, visit our davening page here.
tuesday, april 4
6:50 am - Morning Services
7pm Evening Services
After dark: Bedikat Chametz (searching for leaven)
Wednesday, april 5 (1st seder)
7am - Morning Services
8am Seudah of First Born w/ Mishnah Study
9:30- 10am Biur Chametz (Burning of Chametz) at CSI Parking Lot
11:33am Last time chametz may be eaten
12:36 - Biur Chametz at home
6pm Mincha & Ma'ariv (in Chapel and on Zoom)
7:42pm Candle lighting
thursday, april 6 (2nd seder)
Pesach I
9am Yom Tov services (in Chapel and livestreamed)
Please note: Evening services will not be held on Thursday, April 6th as congregants enjoy the 2nd seder at that time.
8:39pm Candle lighting
friday, april 7
9am Yom Tov Morning Services (in Chapel and livestreamed)
7:30pm Mincha/Ma'ariv (in Chapel and on Zoom)
saturday, april 8
Shabbat Chol Hamoed
9 am Shabbat Morning Service (in Sanctuary and livestreamed)
8:33 Evening Services / Havdalah
sunday, april 9
9:00 am - Morning Services
7:00 pm Evening Services
monday, april 10
6:50am Morning Services
7:00pm Evening Services
Tuesday, April 11
6:50am Morning Services
7:00pm Mincha/Maariv Services (in Chapel)
7:47pm Candle lighting
wednesday, April 12
9:00am Yom Tov Morning Services (in Chapel and livestreamed)
7:00pm Mincha/Ma'ariv (in Chapel and on Zoom)
8:36pm Candle lighting
thursday, April 13
9:00am Yom Tov Morning Services / Yizkor (approximately 11am) [in Sanctuary and livestreamed]
11am Yizkor*
8:35pm Ma'ariv/Havdalah (in Chapel and on Zoom)
8:45pm Chametz can be eaten
Sun, February 9 2025
11 Shevat 5785
Today's Calendar
: 9:00am |
: 9:00am |
: 9:00am |
: 10:30am |
: 3:00pm |
: 5:00pm |
: 7:00pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 9 |
Feb 9 |
Feb 9 |
Feb 9 |
Feb 9 |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Yitro
Shabbat, Feb 15 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Feb 14, 6:03pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 15, 6:52pm |
Tu B'Shvat
Thursday, Feb 13 |
annual appeal
in this moment
We are committed to caring for each other, advocating for the Jewish people and Israel, and recognizing the challenge of this moment of crisis and tragedy. Learn how we are responding to the situation in Israel.
Join us for our weekly ALT Service (for all-ages) with CSI Spiritual Music Innovator Ori Salzberg on Shabbat mornings at 10:30 am!
The Advancement Committee of the Board of Trustees is now at the early stages of understanding our community’s financial capacity to undertake an ambitious master plan project. Learn more below.
program planning
All can be a part of the process of accomplishing our mission and vision! Learn about our process and submit a program or initiative below.
the United synagogue of conservative judaism
Shearith Israel is affiliated with USCJ, a network of thriving centers of Jewish practice across North America, Israel, and beyond that celebrate both tradition and contemporary life.
1180 University Dr NE • Atlanta, GA 30306
Telephone: 404-873-1743 • Contact Us
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